
xanderbesse@gmail.comCopy Icon

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Currently contributing to Quality Management Systems @ PTCSince June, 2020

Embracing a lifelong passion for technology, I made a successful career transition from public safety into the dynamic world of tech as a Software Development Engineer. With a strong foundation in teamwork, problem-solving, and a dedication to service honed from my time in public safety, I now apply these skills to developing innovative software solutions.
A photo of Xander

Working @ PTC

Software Development Engineer
JUN 2021 - Present

PTC Logo


As a Software Engineer at PTC specializing in Quality Management Systems, I have played an integral role in a dynamic scrum team comprising 10-15 members, including engineers, QA professionals, and product management personnel. I actively participate in various meetings, both in-person and remote, including daily stand-ups, weekly product demos, and sprint planning/retrospectives. My responsibilities involve implementing new features and maintaining existing ones in alignment with the feature requirements outlined by product management. Additionally, I contribute to the development process by authoring and monitoring integration tests in the CI/CD pipeline using JUnit. Beyond my core duties, I voluntarily participate in an auxiliary team dedicated to assisting customers facing emergent system issues. Furthermore, I prioritize staying abreast of industry security standards through continuous training, ensuring that the applications I develop are resilient against potential cyber threats.


    JavaAngularOracleObject-Oriented ProgrammingJavaServer Pages (JSP)JUnit Integration TestingCI/CD PipelineAgile MethodologiesSecurity Standards

Learning @ Bloom Institute of Technology

Lambda Logo/


My educational journey at Bloom Institute of Technology, formerly known as Lambda School, encapsulated the essence of both a traditional 4-year degree and the practicality of a boot camp. Through the immersive 9+ month full-time Computer Science & Software Engineering Academy, I delved into a comprehensive curriculum designed to foster practical skills and theoretical knowledge in computer science and web development. At BloomTech, I had the invaluable opportunity to collaborate with real stakeholders during the Labs phase, further enhancing my experiential learning. Throughout the program, I honed my proficiency in a diverse range of technologies spanning both front-end and back-end domains. On the front-end, I mastered essential tools such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6), and prominent libraries like React and Redux/ContextAPI, enabling me to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Additionally, I gained expertise in deployment methodologies using platforms like Netlify and Vercel. In the realm of back-end development, I deepened my understanding of Node.js, Express, and authentication protocols such as OAuth, JWT, and Sessions. I also became adept at working with databases, utilizing technologies like Knex, SQLite3, and PostgreSQL, and deploying applications on platforms like Heroku. Furthermore, my educational journey at BloomTech provided me with a solid foundation in computer science principles, including data structures such as binary trees and hash maps, as well as algorithms and concepts related to hashing, time and space complexity. This holistic learning experience has equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the dynamic field of software engineering.


    HTML5 / CSS3CSS Post-Processors (Less, Sass, etc.)JavaScript (ES6)React & ReduxMaterial-UI & AntDesignData Fetching with Axios & Fetch APIApplication Deployment with NetlifyAgile MethodologiesNode.jsExpressAuthentication (OAuth, JWT, Sessions)Database Management (Knex, SQLite3, PostgreSQL)Application Deployment with HerokuData Structures & AlgorithmsTime & Space Complexity (O-notation)


Conway's Game of Life

Conway's Game of Life

The Game of Life is a cellular automation devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves. It is Turing complete and can simulate a universal constructor or any other Turing machine.

Woman Working in Lab - Quality Management Systems
JavaJava Server PagesRESTOracleAngular

Quality Management Systems

Quality Management Systems (QMS) is the project I currently work on at my full-time employment. QMS ensures quality is designed into every product and process across an enterprise, including external partners. QMS is required to achieve compliance with regulatory requirements and quality standards in most industries. PTC integrates quality management into the PLM process. This enables better management of quality early in the lifecycle which reduces late stage changes and reduces the costs of poor quality.